Ignudi by Giuseppe Sanmartino Precarious balances Munich 2022English / Italian4-colour print, hardcover66 pages,Euro 29,50 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
Sascha Mehringer
About Sascha Mehringer
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On the Wings of time and truth The Hester Diamond Chronos Munich 2022 English 4-colour print, hardcover 86 pages, Euro 31,50 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
Maestro di Santa Anastasia DOLOR MUNDI BETWEEN EXPRESSION AND DRAMATISATION Munich 2020 English 4-colour print, softcover 74 pages, Euro 31,50 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
Treasures of Spanish Renaissance Sculpture THE ORIGIN OF THE SPANISH MANNER Madrid 2019English4-colour print, softcover350 pages,Euro 39,00 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
Jean Dunand A TEMPLE TO LACQUER Marie-Anne du Boullay Munich 2019English/french4-colour print, softcover130 pages, 45 illustrations in colour, 33 historical photographs in b/w ISBN 978–3–9817278–6–9Euro 39,00 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
Der Schmerzensmann Bildwerke des schönen Stils und des frühen Realismus Ulrich Söding Munich 2018 Deutsch/english 4-colour print, hardcover 96 pages, 45 illustrations in colour, 1 foldout ISBN 978–3–9817278–3–8 Euro 42,00 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back
GIOVANNI BONAZZA Fides and Decorum Padua, c. 1700/1710 Flanked during a whole century by two important plaster works of Antonio Canova, in the main Hall of Palazzo Papafava (formerly Palazzo Trento), this suggestive marble relief was created by the Venetian sculptor Giovanni Bonazza (1654–1736). It stands as summa of Venetian sculpture of early eighteenth century, […]
MICHELE TOSINI Crucifixion Florence, c. 1565 This important and previously unknown altarpiece was commissioned by the illustrious Abess Maddalena Altoviti for the Convent of the Camaldoli in Luco di Mugello, near Florence. It’s execution in the mid-1500s, was due to Michele Tosini, called Michele di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, one of the main protagonists in Giorgio […]
Giovanni Angelo Del Maino Saint John the Evangelist c. 1508–1512 Saint John the Evangelist by Giovanni Angelo del Maino, a masterpiece of early sixteenth-century Italian sculpture, was originally part of a Lamentation on the dead Christ. The figure effortlessly dominates the surrounding space. It is wrapped in drapery articulated in folds which sustain without attenuating […]
Giovanni Angelo del Maino “L’effigie alterata”Sul Giovanni Angelo evangelista di Giovanni Angelo Del Maino Marco Albertario Munich 2017Italian/english4-colour print, hardcover90 pages, 75 color illustrations and 4 foldout pages ISBN 987–3–9817278–4–5Euro 42,00 + shipping costs Send order mail Go Back